Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Ellie and Grandpa Mark

Ellie hamming it up with Grandpa, yes that's a lemon in her hand.

Bed Time Stories

Jen is reading Ellie a story before she goes to bed for the night.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Water Bucket

This is a picture of Ellie playing with a water bucket at Grandma's house. Shortly after she was covered in mud and soaking wet. She also got her hands on some sort of fungus or mushroom that looked a lot like a piece of bark which caused a scare and prompted a call to poison control who told us the stuff was harmless.

Ellie Sitting in her Rocking Chair

Ellie is sitting in her rocking chair at Grandma Gayle's house. She really thinks she is big stuff!

Grandpa Rupert's Birthday

Ellie is helping Grandpa Rupert blow out the candle on his birthday cake.

Ellie's First Easter Egg Hunt

Ellie is sitting here enjoying the spoils of her first eater egg hunt.